Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Calgary city council has voted to ban smoking in public buildings... mostly starting in January of 2007. Bars and restaurants that had already established separate ventilated smoking rooms will still be allowed to let people smoke in them until January of 2008. A huge step in the right direction for Calgary!


Sharon Baxter said...

That's good news, Andrew! We have really appreciated the "no smoking" laws in a lot of public places in Nova Scotia, and it doesn't seem to have affected businesses adversely. As of July 1st, the Acadia Campus became smoke free, and it's great not to have to walk past drifts of discarded cigarette butts in the few places people had been allowed to smoke. Now they have to visit strategically placed sand-filled bins at the edge of the campus - OK for the summer months, but it will be more challenging during the winter.

12:35 PM, July 25, 2006  

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